Item list

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How to activate?

  1. Press TAB in game then type cheat.


  1. loaded - All Weapons
  2. god - Invincibility
  3. summon supershockrifle - Summons the Instagib.
  4. suicide - Kill yourself
  5. behindview 1 - 3rd Person Mode
  6. open X - Opens map, where X is the name of the map.
  7. fly - Flight Mode
  8. killpawns - Kill All Enemies
  9. ghost - No Clipping
  10. addbots (number) - Adds the specified number of bots
  11. walk - Disable Flight and Enable Clipping
  12. summon chainsaw - Gives you the Chainsaw
  13. slomo (1.0-10.0) - Set Game Speed. Default is 1.0
  14. summon razorjack - Summons the Ripper.
  15. playersonly - Freezes all non-player charatcers (bots).
  16. summon impacthammer - Summons the Impact Hammer.
  17. setjumpz # - Type any number 1 or higher where # is, and your jump height will change. You don't get hurt no matter how high you set your jump.
  18. say X - Your character says a message, where X is the message.