Item list

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How to activate?

  1. Press the Enter key to open the chat console. You can now enter cheat codes into the console.

Character Commands

  1. givecredits amount - Adds the specified amount of credits to the player's inventory
  2. addexp amount - Adds the specified amount of experience points to the player's character
  3. addlevel amount - Increases the player's character level by the specified amount
  4. addlightside amount - Increases the player's light side points by the specified amount
  5. adddarkside amount - Increases the player's dark side points by the specified amount
  6. setconstitution amount - Sets the player's constitution attribute to the specified amount
  7. setwisdom amount - Sets the player's wisdom attribute to the specified amount
  8. setcharisma amount - Sets the player's charisma attribute to the specified amount
  9. setstrength amount - Sets the player's strength attribute to the specified amount
  10. setdexterity amount - Sets the player's dexterity attribute to the specified amount
  11. setintelligence amount - Sets the player's intelligence attribute to the specified amount
  12. setskills amount - Sets all of the player's skills to the specified amount

Item Commands

  1. giveitem item code - Gives the player the specified item (e.g. giveitem g_w_lghtsbr02 for a lightsaber)
  2. givecredits amount - Adds the specified amount of credits to the player's inventory
  3. infiniteuses - Makes all of the player's equipped items have infinite uses
  4. infiniteammo - Makes all of the player's equipped weapons have infinite ammunition

Miscellaneous Commands

  1. turbo - Activates turbo mode (increases game speed)
  2. revealmap - Reveals the entire map
  3. heal - Heals the player's character to full health
  4. givefeat feat code - Gives the player the specified feat (e.g. givefeat 31 for the Jedi Defense feat)
  5. warp location code - Warps the player to the specified location (e.g. warp danm13 for the Dantooine Jedi Enclave)