- woodstock - Gives you 1000 wood
- flying dutchman - Transforms Juggernauts into Flying Dutchmen with +5 attack, and they can "sail" on land
- NO FOG - Removes Fog of War
- grantlinkspence - Transforms gazelles, lions, elephants, and alligators into animal kings
- photon man - Summons a guy in a white suit with a quick-fire laser gun
- resign - Resigns from the game
- medusa - Transforms villagers into Medusas. When killed, they turn into a Black Rider, and when killed again, they turn into a Heavy Catapult
- upsidflintmobile - Accelerates your Chariot Archers
- REVEAL MAP - Reveals the entire map (Does not remove Fog of War)
- big bertha - Transforms Heavy Catapults into Big Berthas
- big momma - Summons a white rocket launcher car that fires twice as fast
- powbigmama - Summons a gun-wielding baby on a tricycle
- steroids - Buildings and units are created instantly
- PEPPERONI PIZZA - Gives you 1000 food
- pow - Summons a baby on a tricycle with a bazooka gun
- convert this! - Summons a St. Francis unit that can call lightning when close enough to the opponent
- dark rain - Transforms a Bowman into a Composite Bowman which turns into a tree when not moving
- KILL(Player #) - Kills a specific player #
- stormbilly - Summons a Zug Robot 209
- king arthur - Transforms birds into dragons
- gaia - Gives you control over nature but you lose control of your team
- powbigmomma - Summons a gun-wielding baby on a tricycle (alternate code)
- coinage - Gives you 1000 gold
- HOME RUN - Instantly wins the scenario
- hoyohoyo - Priests become faster and stronger
- e=mc2 trooper - Summons a guy in a white suit with a slow-firing nuke gun
- diediedie - Kills everyone else in the game
- black rider - Transforms Horse Archers into Black Riders
- jack be nimble - Catapults and stone throwers can fire villagers, cows, and other units